Sunday, March 22, 2015

Digital Blog Post #I

Chapter 4: Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology

There were multiple points of interest in this chapter. The first thing I would like to discuss is Teaching Goals, Methods, and Procedures (how to teach). This section in the book first caught my eye because it seemed like it would be very helpful to me in my career as a teacher. It is important for teachers to create goals for themselves, as well as develop goals that the students will be able to achieve. The goals for the teacher would provide a way to go about things, meaning how to change the teaching up so that the students could get the most out of their learning if they aren't succeeding at first. Goals for the students to connect to will get them interested in the learning process. The next step in order to create a great environment for students to become successful is to develop the methods of the teacher. This will help show the students the material. The procedures connect everything together. Without that, there would be no teaching atmosphere. I believe that with the help of technology, everything would be able to be furthered to create an even better atmosphere with all these steps. 

The next section that intrigued me was Using Technology in Lesson Planning. To begin with, there is a variety of lesson plans that are already online and ready for you to use if needed. There are multiple lesson plans that include an online experience that engage the students. The downloadable lesson plans include learning objectives. I thought that when I was reading this section it would tell me how to create a lesson plan with the use of technology in it, not that it would just give lesson plan templates. So it was interesting at first, but then dwindled out towards the end. It is a blessing that lessons are free to teachers if one is need of an idea, but overall as a teacher it's your job to make it your own. 

Lastly, there was another section that really caught my attention. It was called Using Electronic Grading Software. The reasoning for my interest on this section was because my teachers that I have now all provide my grades for me online. It is really convenient for me to find all my grades for my assignments, see what I'm doing next, and figure out what my missing assignments are. In addition to that, there's even space for teachers to provide their own comments on the assignment for why you got the grade that you did. I think this would be a great tool for students and teachers to use, even when the students are young, because the parents can always check the grades too!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Digital Blog Post #H

Chapter 9: Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies

There was many interesting aspects in this chapter. The first interesting part to this chapter was the section called Strategies for Using PowerPoint with Students. It really grabbed my attention because I know a lot about PowerPoint, because I've used it most of my life and wanted to see if I could learn more. PowerPoint is often used as a source to present information. These presentations using include information to inform while being in a section of graphic design. Graphic design is a process that someone using PowerPoint will use in order to arrange the information and images to hold most attention. There are a few different aspects that one has to take into consideration when making a PowerPoint, those are:
  • Who is the audience
  • What do I want my audience knowing or remembering
If you think about the people viewing the PowerPoint, you can create a more successful PowerPoint. There are also a few different steps that one can take to create the best presentation!
  • Use Images to Generate Class Discussion
    • I've learned in my creation of PowerPoints, that the more information you have the more boring it is so it is important to add some pictures! The pictures will grab everyone's attention while also provided another source of information for student's to attain the material.  
  • Promote Visual Analysis of Discussion Topics
    • Visuals will also promote discussion if you lead it to that way. Asking questions when the picture is presented will get minds flowing. I never even thought to do that!
  • Display Questions or Comments for Short Writing Assignments
    • Giving open-ended questions for the students to respond to during the presentation will also get the mind flowing! It is not something that students really like to do unless they know the subject so, I, personally, would put it at the beginning to see what they know and then put it at the end of the PowerPoint to see how much they were listening. 
  • Use the Slides as Attention-Getters
    • It is important to make the PowerPoints as attention-getting as possible. In order to keep the student entertained, you must give them a reason (other than boring information) to entertain them. You can add different effects to the slides so that they pay attention including sound to pop for each slide or each fact! 
  • Develop Your Own PowerPoint Learning Games
    • This is one I've never even thought to do. Teachers can find games that go with their PowerPoint information or create their own! I think it's important to get the students involved so this is a great idea! 

Furthermore, the next section that intrigued me was the section on Webcasts. I didn't know this but the term webcasts is a combination of web and broadcasts. It makes sense thinking about this, but I just thought it was just a word created! This describes different video and audio over the internet. Webcasts can be used in teaching in all sorts of different ways! Older documents could be shown onto video for the students to visualize it. Also, some webcasts even read aloud older books or documents. In addition to that, during a presentation, while you are giving other information you can easily switch it over to a webcast to grab the students attention. I think webcasts would be very suitable in the classroom atmosphere.

Lastly, another point that interested me was the Strategies for Using Cameras with Students. These strategies are for students that have the ability to use cameras on a daily basis.
  • Use regularly. 
    • It is important for students to have the use of cameras on a day-to-day basis so that students keep the skills they attain in their heads. Cameras don't have to just be used for special events, but just for anything. As students use them more often they will be more confident.
  • Record events while they are unfolding.
    • In daily or weekly events that happen in the classroom, such as science experiments, students can use the cameras to video tape. If students are able to look over their work, they can use it to find what mistakes they made. Also, it'd be cool to see some things replayed. 
  • Generate, edit, and publish student writing.
    • You can also use cameras to publish student writing. This would add drama and other effects to make it more interesting! (I never even thought of that!)
  • Create a video production area in the classroom.
    • It is very simple to make a digital recording studio in the classroom! You can put the camera in the corner of the room on a tripod. And have a little green-screen set up in everything! I remember when I had these in my art class and it was pretty cool!

Test Time!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Digital Blog Post #G

Chapter 10: Promoting Success for All Students Through Technology

The first point I would like to discuss in this chapter is Differentiated Instruction (DI). To begin with, I learned that differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that involves the creation of different educational experiences for the students. Different educational approaches could range from reading a book, playing online educational games, or even experiments! I believe it is important to include different educational learning styles in the school environment so that students don't get bored. In order to keep the student learning we must keep the students entertained; this happens with new and different things for the students to do in the classroom! 

The next point of interest I would like to talk about is a word cloud. I believe I've used this in one of my other blogs. It is very interesting and grabs attention! A word cloud is a form of representation that involves the text mixed around in different ways. I found it very entertaining, and it's very easy to make! This is a very supportive tool for visual learners! As a teacher I will definitely use that device in my classroom. 

Lastly, I would like to discuss the Interactive electronic storybooks and storybook apps. Interactive electronic storybooks help the students visualize their books they are reading on a computer. In this case, I believe that this is a good idea for kids. When I find myself reading, I much more enjoy it on a computer than an actual book. Storybook apps also help bring this stories to life! These can be found on tablets, computers, and even smartphones (which most young children have nowadays). The electronic storybooks and storybook apps make it so much more entertaining for students to learn because of the added effects that they have. Reading a book itself doesn't have sound effects or moving animations, but electronic storybooks and storybook apps do! It keeps the students involved and entertained! It is a very great idea to include this in the education of students for all ages. 

Provided is an example of an electronic storybook: