Chapter 4: Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology
There were multiple points of interest in this chapter. The first thing I would like to discuss is Teaching Goals, Methods, and Procedures (how to teach). This section in the book first caught my eye because it seemed like it would be very helpful to me in my career as a teacher. It is important for teachers to create goals for themselves, as well as develop goals that the students will be able to achieve. The goals for the teacher would provide a way to go about things, meaning how to change the teaching up so that the students could get the most out of their learning if they aren't succeeding at first. Goals for the students to connect to will get them interested in the learning process. The next step in order to create a great environment for students to become successful is to develop the methods of the teacher. This will help show the students the material. The procedures connect everything together. Without that, there would be no teaching atmosphere. I believe that with the help of technology, everything would be able to be furthered to create an even better atmosphere with all these steps.
The next section that intrigued me was Using Technology in Lesson Planning. To begin with, there is a variety of lesson plans that are already online and ready for you to use if needed. There are multiple lesson plans that include an online experience that engage the students. The downloadable lesson plans include learning objectives. I thought that when I was reading this section it would tell me how to create a lesson plan with the use of technology in it, not that it would just give lesson plan templates. So it was interesting at first, but then dwindled out towards the end. It is a blessing that lessons are free to teachers if one is need of an idea, but overall as a teacher it's your job to make it your own.
Lastly, there was another section that really caught my attention. It was called Using Electronic Grading Software. The reasoning for my interest on this section was because my teachers that I have now all provide my grades for me online. It is really convenient for me to find all my grades for my assignments, see what I'm doing next, and figure out what my missing assignments are. In addition to that, there's even space for teachers to provide their own comments on the assignment for why you got the grade that you did. I think this would be a great tool for students and teachers to use, even when the students are young, because the parents can always check the grades too!