Saturday, January 31, 2015

Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology: Digital Blog Post C

Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology

Chapter three was a very interesting chapter.  The first point of interest that caught my eye was the section labeled Digital, Media, and Visual Literacy. I believe to excel in today's society, with technology continuing to develop so quickly, that students must be able to enhance their digital literacy. Digital Literacy is a concept that involves the knowledge of technical, cognitive, and social skills. In order to be successful in practicing digital literacy, I think a teacher has to be there to support each student. Each category (technical, cognitive, and social skills) can be enhanced with the help of a teacher. In addition to digital literacy, students need to keep up to date with media literacy. Media literacy is the ability for students to be able to think strongly about their involvement with entertainment and the social media. I think the only reason this is important is because students will become involved in things that will involve the media including: volunteer work, projects, school work, and things in the community. Students should be prepared when confronted with the media. Lastly, students need to enhance their visual literacy. Visual literacy will help students build the skills they need in order to assess types of presentations that involve pictures, drawings, charts, and graphs. Visual literacy is needed to excel in school in order to get through basic classes. Teachers should help the students develop this skill when students are young, so when they get older they will not have any troubles (or at least very few).

Furthermore, the section Creative Ideas Through Social Media was also of importance in this section to me. This section was basically a reminder of all the things that technology can do for us. I think sometimes people forget at the vast amount of things that it can do. Technology has sped up the way we can communicate with each other, whether it's face to face communication or Email. The fact of the matter is, we wouldn't be where we are in society without technology. Just considering communication, we are able to talk to people from other countries and around the world through different websites. If we can do that, I'm sure it makes it easier for the President to make certain confidences with different officials. Technology also makes it fun to create different projects. I know my generation is constantly focused on technology. What better way to focus on technology then to do assignments with it? The point is, technology is very useful in many ways, whether it's fun or not. It's a convenient tool. 

To conclude, the section Defining Digital Citizenship grabbed my eye as well. My first thought was a question. What is digital Citizenship? Digital Citizenship is when students and teachers take responsibility for the way they act on the internet and on computers. They have to act ethically, and no what's right and wrong following the rules. The term basically describes the way a citizen should act in the country, without including the internet and on computers part. I think it is important for teachers to teach the correct way to act on a computer so the technology is not abused by the students. When children are young, they do not always know better so it's best to implant the ideas of computer safety and ethics in their heads then. Doing so, technology will not be misused as often. As a result, everyone will have the ability to still have access to the computers and technology in the classroom. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

EME 2040: Intro to Technology for Teaching

Chapter 2: Understanding Educational Technology Issues and Trends

The first most interesting part I found in the chapter was the different teaching methods with the technology. To begin with I truly believe that testing the students is very important in figuring out whether the students have retained the knowledge from their teachings or not. I do not believe that we should put all of the focus on tests though. Tests are a way to see if students are learning, but not always the best option because some students don't test well. It is good for most students. Those who are committed to this approach are teacher-centered teaching. To continue, there was also student-centered teaching. This approach has teachings testing the students with different things like games and engaging the students in conversations to see if the information has set well in their brains. I believe that the perfect combination of both of these, students will be able to excel at school.

Furthermore, another interesting topic in chapter two was the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). I think it is a great idea to promote technology in the classroom. Through technological games, I believe that it will gain the students attention more so that they will be able to learn. I also believe that the promotion of leadership in schools is a great idea. If students are able to learn to attain leadership, then they will be able to be successful in life outside of school and that is a teacher's dream, or at least one of my goals as a future teacher. 

Finally, the last point of interest that caught my eye was the digital natives and digital immigrants section. I found it interesting that they actually gave people who grew up with technology in their life since day one were referred to as digital natives. It pretty much explains itself. Natives are born into the society they are in so "digital natives" is a neat term. So when the topic of digital immigrants comes up it makes sense that they are the ones that are not so familiar with technology. I think its great that we can come up with terms to describe people rather than spelling it all out.